Monday 20 August 2012

Project 2: Lightweight 2 - Stage 1: Research Part A

Week 2 - Cardboard Designs

In this week we experimented with the idea of light weight cardboard. The idea was to create a cardboard structure that could withstand a weight limit...

Because of the design of cardboard, an the certain limitation of cardboard it was rather interesting to see what designs we could do and what sort of weight it could hold withing a restrained size limit as well.

Since the project was a partnership, i partnered up with Diego.

Initial design phase

Another design, very much like a table with curvature legs to provide maximum strength under load. 
Here it is holding up a small load, a mere simple mobile phone.

Another idea, though this time with alot more curvature

Our final team design

Close up shot.

Holding fine the weight of a phone, though we didnt really extensively explore into heavier items such as books, we felt confident with the design.

Monday 13 August 2012

Week 1 - Spaghetti design

The first exercise, designing a structure from Spaghetti that will hold some weight.

First attempted failed, than 2nd attempt with a team of 4, Me, Kevin, Johnathon and Tony, and this is the result of the team effort.

Heavy use of tape and triangular shape should do the trick.

Project 1 - Furniture Design History